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02 Dec / 2017

Advanced apps integrate with mobile devices to enrich user experience

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Dedicated mobile apps secure a higher quality of user experience from various angles such as an user-friendly interface, prompt notifications, a safe and secure browsing experience and an optimized content database. The latest mobile apps strive to augment user experience both in terms of functionality and appearance. 

The features that put mobile apps at an edge over the online websites

A higher rate of account registration: The sign up option on business websites, due to their low visibility, often goes ignored. On mobile apps however, the sign up option visibility is extremely high, and the very initial procedure starts with signing in ( or signing up ) with the application. Consequently, ensuring a higher rate of registered users. Additionally this helps the app to record user details, that can enhance the user's search and purchase procedure.

A biometric password processing: Typing errors, keypad disorientation, memory laps and many other situations can lead the users to suffer a delayed log in process when manually entering a textual password. With typical browser based online websites, manual textual password authentication, is generally the only way. Mobile apps however, furnish means of biometric password authentication such as retina scan and user fingerprint verification. Features that culture a simpler usability for the users. 

Integration with GPS tracking: An effective mobile app always runs in sync with the device's GPS system. This enables the app to automatically track the user's location when needed. The app also allows to manually enter a location. This feature comes in especially handy, with ecommerce apps, while placing a product or service order.

Clear visibility of notable features: Mobile devices typically have a much smaller display canvas. Which means the viewers attention area is also minimized. Now although this can make the designing a bit tricky, but it also characterizes the app with a greater a potential to attract viewer's notice to a specific element. Websites, that are typically designed for both mobile devices and PCs, can have important elements like log in option, search bar, category segment and latest offers, scattered all across the page. On mobile apps however, as you scroll through, you separately come across each segment; drawing a greater span of your attention on a particular element. 

Nicely arranged tap buttons: Situations such as making a purchase on a limited stock, will need the user to make a hasty product search and payment completion. The densely arranged tap targets on a website will delay these processes. It is no news that whilst making purchase of a limited product, speed of order placement is of utmost importance. Mobile apps with tap buttons placed in a very finger-friendly arrangement help the users to achieve the required speed.

Lighter and faster on the device: A business website may include, several ads, large sized files and long videos, that eventually slow down the page loading speed. The mobile apps however, shed all the unnecessary weight, and optimizes all its element for a perfectly compatible functioning on a mobile device. 

Mobile apps, unlike responsive business websites, focus on the specific needs of mobile users and formulate precise features, both in terms of technology and design to enrich the user experience at the maximum possible degree. 

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